Monday, January 27, 2020


I went into prayer today asking God to calm my heart, help me to still my voice, and to remain quiet so that I could hear what he was asking of me today. That's the eloquent way of saying it. What I was really asking him for was permission to shut myself in my home and forget the rest of the world. lol. But what was the resolution in my reflections asking me to do today? It said "Do something to share my faith with others today".  So despite my intense desire to hole up in my home (quite easy to do as a homeschooling family with no job, lol), here I am sharing my faith with all of you.

"Only detachment leads to true joy. There is no room for God in a heart already full of the things of this world. May my faith see the good side of things, seeing all in my life as an opportunity to love you."

As I was concluding my time in prayer this morning, I decided to read back through my prayer journal. I happened on the above sentences that I wrote on March 4th, 2019. Oh, how it spoke to me! With news of Steven's recent layoff, even though my faith hasn't been shaken, I have been in a place of deep frustration and sadness. It's just a bit painful to look back on our past year and wonder what it was for. What was the point of it all? But I'm so thankful for happening upon the words above and for inspiration from the Holy Spirit. It has changed my attitude today!

God has provided another opportunity for detachment from the things of this world. Where we feel broken and detached from our worldly gains, God will mend; Not only will He mend, but He will make us stronger. I do truly believe that and today I can finally say that I'm thankful for that. I know we have struggles but I'm not afraid of them. We all have sufferings! Nobody is immune to struggle...even Jesus (who is God himself!) came to earth to suffer (for us)! Suffering with Jesus makes this whole thing a lot easier. Knowing that God forgives us our worries, doubts, impatience, frustrations, and anger is a comfort too. I'm definitely thankful to be able to give that all to Him and ask for Him to forgive me and to help me do better. Aren't we lucky to serve such a loving and merciful Father?

I do not know the plans that God has for us. However, we are so blessed to know God and to have scripture to refresh our souls! HE is our constant. I ask you to pray for all of those affected by the recent layoffs but most especially for those who don't have God to lean on. I really pray for them and I ask God to keep them hopeful. And as I have done for the past month, pray for the CEO and all of those people who are having to make decisions that affect so many families. What a weight and burden they must feel from all of this. We hope that they will let God guide them in this difficult time.

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